Saturday, July 16, 2011

how to add Meta Tags to Blogger drive traffic

By this tutorial you will teach that how you add Meta Tags in blogger blog and also gives more techniques about SEO tips. If you have already inserted Meta tags in your blogger blog, make sure that you have understood and followed the methods contained in this article to get better results and SEO tips. Meta tags are HTML tags that provide extra information regarding your Blogger Blog to the visitors and readers. In the Meta Tags, the description tag provides a small summary of the page content to the visitors. The keyword Meta tags show the keywords and keyword phrases a visitor might apply to find out your blogger blog. As aggression of Meta tags Search Engines have turned into smarter and no longer place status on keywords to set up page ranking in Search Engines. Though keyword Meta tags are still used by few Search Engines therefore it is very nice proposal to hold them in blogger blog. Now I will discuss following five main points regarding Meta Tags.

1. How to solve SEO Problems before Inserting Meta tags
2. How to insert Meta Tags to your Blogger Home Page
3.How to insert Meta Tags to individual Blogger Post
4.How to Analyze Your Blogger Meta Tags
5.Suggestions and tips about Meta Tags

1. How to solve SEO Problems before Inserting Meta tags

i. This is very disappointing features for blogger blog is that it is not correctly optimized title tags for better SEO tips. By default Meta descriptions and keywords are not supported to blogger bog. This means you have missed precious opportunities to attract visitors and readers to your blogger bog. If you have adjusted better SEO for your blogger blog, I think Meta tags and Meta descriptions into your blogger template will present good effects. Luckily these works about SEO tips of your blogger blog will go a lengthy way to advance the placement of your blog in Search Engine results. If you want to improve your Blogger SEO and traffic please read my article adjust Blogger title tags for improved SEO.

ii. Simply placing a Meta tags description in your blogger template is tricky because blogger blog will utilize the same Meta tags for all pages in your blog. This means Google Search Engine will show every entry of your blogger blog in search results with same description. This solution could be unprofitable to drive traffic rather than increased traffic. However there is a method to insert Meta tags to the home page of your blogger blog only which will not affect post pages in your blog. In this way visitors you will find the home page of your blogger blog in search engines by the use of suitable keywords and a site description.

2. How to insert Meta Tags to your Blogger Home Page

i. First go to then navigate to Design>Edit HTML. Avoid from any mistakes back up your blogger blog download full template and place it any place of your Computer and check mark on “Expand Widget Templates” press (Ctr + F) command and search the following code line which is available in your Blogger template.

ii. If you have Search Engine friendly Blogger template searches the following code in your template.

iii. In view of the above both code lines mentioned that lot of new blog owners and beginners have no experience and they download templates which are not useful for Search Engines. In this regard read my article Search Engine friendly blogger templates. Now look at the code given below first select it after that press (Ctr + C) Command and paste it after the above Search Engine friendly code.

iv. Now I suggest that look at the above code enter your blog description between the single quote marks on the place of red characters shown in above code maximum 150 characters only. After that enter the keywords of your Blogger Blog between the single quote marks on the place of red characters shown in above code and make sure that you separate each keyword or keyword phrase by a comma and keywords do not exceed 200 characters.

v. After that click on the Save Template button to see your Meta tags in action you can also navigate to your blog’s home page or click on image basis in your browser. You will examine your description near the top of the documents otherwise you can check your description in a free Meta Tag Analyzer tool such as SEO Centro or Submit Express these tools are very useful in my experience.

3. How to insert Meta Tags to individual Blogger Post

1. I think it is not necessary to include Meta tags to individual post of your Blogger Blog I can not suggest you if you have more than 20 posts of blogger blog. This method is suitable if you have a few key posts less than 20 posts of your blogger blog. More describe that I am investigating this procedure on 60 posts of my blogger blog, if I have succeeded would tell you later about this. Include the following code in your Blogger template after the home page code you have already entered in your Blogger template.

2. In view of the above now I am giving an example you will see that the optimized Meta tags for the individual post comes after the home page code look the procedure is given below:

3. In this procedure select description and keywords from your post and add your post URL, keywords and description in red characters of the above code then click on the “Save Template” button and then check your Blogger Blog on Meta Tag Analyzer tool. I have already said that if you have few posts only you can get more traffic regarding this procedure otherwise this procedure is not appropriate for more posts.

4. How to Analyze Your Blogger Meta Tags

Once you have included Meta tags to your blogger blog you can use tools to investigate them to ensure their significance. Imply for Meta tag relevancy to page content over 90% and above. To check this you can use a free Meta tag analyzer tool such as Submit Express or SEO Centro.

5. Suggestions and tips about Meta Tags

1. Meta tags are very useful in most Search Engines but if you have adjusted it maximum character limits and you have inserted the title tag tweak properly. It is highly recommended that you do so then you will need to add the code above after the title tag adjustment in <head> section of your template. Read my useful and profitable article about adjusting title tags. Note the following procedure on Meta tag rules.

i. Title Tag = Maximum 60 Characters
ii. Site Description = Maximum 150 Characters
iii. Keywords = Maximum 200 Characters

2. While some Search Engines no longer place too much prominence on keywords some still do so it is value adding keywords. The maximum number of keywords recommended to be robot friendly is around 20. Keep away from using the same keyword more than 3 times.

This comprehensive article regarding Meta tags will be very useful for specially new blogger owners and other friends, if you like it please leave your comments.

In this tutorial title1 is used instead of title and meta1 instead of meta. so make these changes for the code to work.

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