Thursday, August 11, 2011

Software Techies... Don't worry about upcoming RECESSION...!!

here is lot of political hue and cry over outsourcing to India. The latest US bill passed by Senate proposes a hike in visas fees for Indian software professionals hired by Indian companies for software development jobs in US. This will hurt the Indian software outsourcing industry and hit big software companies like TCS, Infosys, Wipro, Capgemini, Syntel and Satyam under the belt for some time. However, the effects will be short-lived because Indian software outsourcing industry has acquired a colossus status in last two decades. It has zealously served world-wide clientele and created niche for itself.

The strength of the Indian software industry lies in its ability to evolve at a faster rate and offer customized and innovative software development solutions. This capability to offer innovative software and web development solutions makes India very attractive outsourcing destination. India software industry will continue to shine on the World IT platform in future.

The strength of the Indian It industry lies in custom software outsourcing. The technical finesse of the India software workers is world renowned and the Indian software industry has accumulated rich software development experience over the last two decades. Besides this 65 % of the world CMMi level V companies are located in India. These all factors combined together give India the competitive edge over other countries in the race for the software outsourcing crown.

The competition from China, Philippines and emerging economies in Latin America and Eastern Europe is increasing. They will definitely bite deeper into the software outsourcing pie but will not be able to dislodge India from its current number one position.

With each passing day the world is getting more and more dependent on the software and web technology. There are newer software development challenges and their successful creation and integration requires technical acumen, which is abundant in India software industry. This drives India ahead of the pack. There is technological gap between India and its rivals because Indian software personnel have learned and developed software development skills, over the years. The US software outsourcing to India will continue grow, inspite of political hue and cry because American businesses will rely more on Indian software finesse, to deliver them latest software and web applications.

The growing dependence of the US businesses on software and web technology promises a very bright future for the software industry in India. The Indian software companies offer unparallel software development services and very competitive pricing. The competitive business environment in US, the slow recovery from recession will definitely drive up software outsourcing to India. The countries like China and Philippines might pose a stiff challenge on the price front but will continue to lag behind India on the technical front over the coming years. The rich knowledge base and technical acumen of Indian software personnel will empower Indian software industry to deliver cost-effective and cutting-edge software solutions to US and other Western economies. This in turn will make these countries more dependent on India for their future software and web requirements

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