Thursday, September 29, 2011

Microsoft wants to pick your brain for Windows Phone tweaks

Mango has already begun to trickle out into the wild, and Microsoft is still trying to figure out exactly what their Windows Phone users want. Case in point: they’ve just unveiled their new Suggestion Box, where users can submit and vote for ideas that they would like to see implemented in Windows Phone 7.

All snark aside, it’s a much better alternative to shooting your ideas out into the ether via Twitter, as the Windows Phone Blog is quick to point out. By centralizing all of their users suggestions, Microsoft can look at potential improvements and see where user priorities lay.

Despite only being open for the past few hours, a few ideas (like the three above) are already picking up steam among the Windows Phone fanbase. For the most part, the ideas tend to range from completely reasonable (a user named DevilSpawn wants less finicky capacitive keys), to the impossible (oggyb wants all existing Windows Phones to be able to wirelessly tether, even though some devices just don’t have the hardware for it).
With the site still in its infancy, none of the submissions have gained enough traction to warrant a further look from Team Windows Phone. Methinks Microsoft is trying to live up to their new tagline here, but let’s see if anything actually comes of it.

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